The Author

Leo M. Jones, Ph.D.

A retired professor of theatre, a proud husband and father, a practitioner of the Centering prayer, Leo M. Jones, Ph.D. has lived Shakespeare’s seven ages of man from infant to retiree. Believing he has been supported by providence rather than coincidence, Dr. Jones invites the reader to decide.

I am a well-worn body housing a human spirit conceived in a moment of passion. My spirit and body are nurtured in an extended family that has a faith in the life of the spirit extending past death. My childhood seems a kind of paradise, but I am challenged by being thrust into the reality of the larger world, where spirits fight for power over one another. Rescued from World War II by a wound, I become immersed in theatre, which reflects the human spirit, revealing what is inside. Kept in reality by marrying and raising five children, they focus me on working for the common good of society. I’m supported by habits of kindness, forgiveness, the art of living in hope and of finding beauty in the day-to-day routines. Attacked by cancer and a heart attack and recognizing the mortality of my body, I rejoice in my spirit, guided toward survival by Common Sense.

Dr. Jones can be contacted at or P.O. Box 170694, Milwaukee, WI 53217

1925 Mother and Me, 1924 Dad and Me  

My Childhood Home, Bloomington, Indiana

Me in the Army

My Wedding

Lake Geneva, Belfry Theatre, Lower Left My Wife, Upper Right Paul Newman

Student at Indiana University

Directing at Marquette University

Milwaukee Journal 1950s, My Wife and Two First-Born Children

A Quiet Moment Reading a Script

Family Photo, 1960s